World Artichoke Production by Country

Countries by Artichoke Production.

  • Italy is the largest artichoke producer in the world with 376,280 tonnes production per year.
  • Egypt comes second with 315,407.93 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 214,560 tonnes of production per year, Spain is the third largest producer of artichoke.
World Artichoke Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg) Acreage (Hectare) Yield (Kg / Hectare)
Italy 376.280 6,226 38.450 9.786,2
Egypt 315.407,93 3,235 17.141 18.400,4
Spain 214.560 4,598 14.800 14.497,3
Algeria 120.932 2,842 5.656 21.383,1
Peru 99.518,44 3,186 6.192 16.072,1
China 80.654,31 0,058 11.946 6.751,8
Morocco 40.543 1,166 2.562 15.824,7
Turkey 40.114 0,496 2.819 14.229,9
United States of America 37.784 0,115 1.983 19.054
Argentina 35.574,73 0,8 1.798 19.789,5
Tunisia 28.000 2,446 3.907 7.165,8
France 27.080 0,402 4.790 5.653,4
Iran 17.700,34 0,216 954 18.552,2
Chile 11.724,57 0,667 1.535 7.636,9
Greece 7.890 0,733 610 12.934,4
Uzbekistan 3.851,3 0,118 117 33.037,1
Mexico 3.258,8 0,026 247 13.197,3
Syria 2.840 0,155 127 22.362,2
Israel 2.484 0,279 477 5.204,3
Malta 1.510 3,174 169 8.920,1
Cyprus 1.050 1,228 50 21.000
Romania 707,64 0,036 55 12.890,8
Bulgaria 650 0,092 280 2.321,4
Lebanon 637,06 0,105 97 6.579
Kazakhstan 636,33 0,035 35 17.979,7
Zimbabwe 303,99 0,02 24 12.473,1
Lithuania 110 0,039 11 10.000
Poland 100 0,003 0 N/A
Hungary 70 0,007 10 7.000
Costa Rica 27,66 0,006 6 4.873,5
Kenya 26,76 0,001 5 4.966,2
Palestinian Territories 26 0,006 7 3.714,3
Jordan 25 0,002 5 5.000
Switzerland 2,99 0 12 248,9
Portugal 0 0 0 N/A
Zambia 0 0 0 N/A
Czech Republic 0 0 0 N/A
Luxembourg 0 0 0 N/A
Belgium 0 0 0 N/A
Finland 0 0 0 N/A
Saudi Arabia 0 0 0 N/A
Slovakia 0 0 0 N/A
Denmark 0 0 0 N/A
Estonia 0 0 0 N/A

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